Phase- Sensitive Manipulation of Quantum Squeezing

Prem Kumar


Real-world detectors are imperfect in their efficiency of light detection. The advantage of using squeezed light in quantum measurements can be quickly lost owing to the vacuum noise introduced via such imperfect detection. A phase-sensitive parametric amplifier—the same device that generates squeezing—can also be used to boost the overall quantum efficiency of detection. I will present experiments that demonstrate phase-sensitive manipulation of squeezing by use of traveling-wave phase-sensitive parametric amplification. These results support the future realization of a quantum enhanced sensor [1, 2].




Towards Doppler Cooling of Si0+

David Tabor

Physics & Astronomy

Extending the techniques of Doppler cooling from atoms to molecules is challenging due to the complex nature of molecular structure.  Rotation and vibration of the molecule result in additional dark states which may require repumping, and higher order processes such as photodissociation and predissociation may terminate the cycling transition.  We identify SiO+ as a promising candidate for laser cooling, which differs from previous candidates in that the cycling scheme involves three electronic states.  Using a rate-equation approach, we model the cooling process and find that the intervening electronic state does not require additional repumping, since decay out of it is sufficiently fast.  We also present our current efforts towards Doppler cooling of SiO+.



Wednesday, November 16th at Noon

Room F235, Technological Institute


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